Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I hear a lot said about why we should'nt have party politics etc,etc.
Well I ask you what do we have right now if not the FASCIST party of Jersey who are all in each others pockets.

All this tripe about it's good for the Island.
How is it good for the Island as a local and tax payer all my life I am more worse off than I have ever been.

It may be good for the rich and the corrupt fascists in the states, but certainly not for the normal hard working people of the Island who just keep on paying.

Another gripe is this crap about "user pays". We have already paid, it was our taxes, hidden taxes, and GST that paid for what they now want us to pay to use.
Get a grip you morons the public have had enough of it.


Anonymous said...

well said that man. Time for you all to work together to get rid of the Facist Dictators who have ruined your island.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all you have written so far. Good luck with your blog,


Rick Jones. said...

So another multi million pound over spend on the new incinerator, what else is new?
Theres plenty more cash where that came from.
Another raise in parking charges, GST up another 4% and there should still be plenty for a states members pay rise for all the hard work they do parting the working public from their hard earned money.

Anonymous said...

Good to see another blogger on the scene and agree with your sentiments and the commenters

Tony Gallichan said...

welcome to the blogsphere, matey...go for the throat....

Anonymous said...

36 years old, three kids and trying to make ends meet - did you not consider contraception? Give me your address, and I'll send my taxe savings directly to you, and cut out the middle man.

Rick Jones. said...

Thank you for your kind offer.
Contraception was not somthing that was conidered as in a free country one can have as many children as one chooses.
Both myself and my wife work long and hard and our three boys all go to private school paid for by us.
We don't get or want hand outs from the state, we just want to keep more of what we work hard for.
We did not have children in order to get on the housing list, we own our house and pay our own mortgage.
It would however be nice to have a holiday in the USA with the children and have some spare cash in the bank.
Why should I pay for a bunch of bastard parasites to get £50K a year for a hand full of hours (when they even bother to show up), talk a load of shit, and squander tax payers money on crap that we don't need or want!
If these these parasites wasted less and made 1.1Ks pay tax at the same rate as us mere mortals, then you tax savings would be considerably more.
I would just like to be able to save enough money so that I could tell these corrupt fascist bastards (half of them aren't even Jersey) stick this this rock where they nomally have their heads.

Linda Corby said...

Anonymous said...

36 years old, three kids and trying to make ends meet - did you not consider contraception? Give me your address, and I'll send my taxe savings directly to you, and cut out the middle man.

I have a word that describes people like you but I am not rude enough to use it *******


Keep up the good work blogging I agree 100% with what Tony Gallichan said...

welcome to the blogsphere, matey...go for the throat....


Rick Jones. said...

Thank you people for your support.
Please feel free to say what you think, I always do and have a lot of time and respect for the like minded.
Unlike to many states members, I believe in democracy and that every one should have a chance to say what they feel without fear of persecution.
I may not always agree but will never have you arrested and your home searched because of your views.
Hoo and what a great surprise, another £60M black hole! well I wonder how that happened?
Thats GST going up then, even if they find another £74M that they did'nt know they had. I wonder if one of those useless morons will suggest putting GST on the GST?
Who knows if this gets much worse,I might even have to take Anonymous up on the kind offer. Or at least he/she could pay for my vasectomy!

Anonymous said...


you go guy!

We lived in Jersey for a while, a few years ago and simply hated it.I didn't know why it creeped me out, because to look at it is very beautiful.

When we left I realised what was gone;the smell of naked greed,corruption, nepotism,spin and dishonesty constantly in the Jersey air.Oh, and Freemasons.

We are both professional working full time, 2 young kids, and still lived like bloody paupers there!Now we have the middle class lifestyle you would expect two degreed professionals to enjoy, and we can afford the school fees!
mind out for the cops

Anonymous said...

May 5th 2009....
What a dick head this tosser is.
I wonder which category you come in to. Child Abuser, States Member, Civil Servant, or just anonther corrupt brainless shit with to much money and no balls.
It's because of the likes of you that Jersey is in the state that it's in today.
We should have stayed with farming and tourism, at least back then some of us were proud to say that we were Jersey man.

Anonymous said...

in a spiritual way jersey is waist high in a mud of greed